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What This Website Is About

   When the Harry Potter saga was first released, the author, J.K Rowling suffered major controversy over whether or not the novels have anterior motifs. Some say the promotion of witchcraft is present as well as anti-Christian views as well as immortality. There have been many opinions published on how the novels promotion on these topics as well as disobedience, unreligious behaviour leaving parents at a standstill when it comes to the targeted audience of children being "attacked" by their own imagination. If children become fixated on the apparent overall messages being presented (ie. disobedience being rewarded, witchcraft being promoted etc), parents are forced to become defensive on which side to take. In contrast to this, the author as well as other published authors continue to debate, claiming the opposite on the novels being inappropriate for children. Within this website, you will explore how the opinions of various authors debate their views, as well as arguments on anti-Christian views, Christian elements presented within the storylines, the films having no religious content at all, audience reactions, as well as the questions of J.K Rowling's views on religion.

   When it comes to critics opinions of the novels, questions arise on how "good" characters turn "bad", or how the adults in power do nothing to stop them. This idea of disobedience continues worldwide and creates a heated debate to why the novels can be seen as anti-Christian. Adult figures within the novels actually go as far as rewarding this bad behaviour on some levels. This can be seen as promoting anti-Christian ideas, according to some critics. Evidence containing many examples of these views will be explored, as well as how far people have went to stop this phenomena from happening. People have created their own solutions which include banning the novels in schools and public libraries. Others go as far as re-writing the entire series to create a Christian-friendly atmosphere for both the characters in the novel as well as the young children reading it.

   On the opposite side of this, many critics also argue that Harry Potter contains no religious content. In saying this, these critics have equally satisfying arguments that should also be outlined.

  With regards to the novels containing a satisfying amount of religious content, critics debate many scenarios and some authors like Connie Neal for example, conclude that the novels are a good way to promote literature and encourage children to read and imagine. Some critics go as far as saying that the books contain knowledge of religion suitable for children to learn about their faith. However, many questions still get asked on the "good versus bad" characters who suffer devastating losses throughout the entire saga. 

  While researching the debates of critics, it was stumbled upon the question of J.K Rowling confusing fiction with reality. This will also be explored in detail.

    With the popularity surrounding the complete Harry Potter series, it is no wonder critics downgrade the well written works of J.K Rowling and her claim to fame. Many critics attack her, but very little admit that it may be caused by jealousy. All sides of the heated debate will be outlined on this page and I hope you create your own interest in the debate, much like I have. 

All Images in slideshow curtosy of Google search engine. Click HERE to view source.

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